so, if it was in pubg 1.5 before in the raw script. it's offset, zsize, and the size is put prefix before data compression.
well... now, pubg starts with a data compression header (ZSTD).
not offset, zsize, size, and others.
so I don't know how to determine the offset, size, and zsize.
So what I'm asking is how to calculate the ZSTD compression file. Because the average compression uses ZSTD.
and now
it's without offset,zsize,size.
and I've tried to extract the raw data.
the only way is
look for the hex code "\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd".
because it is a header in zstd compression (paks)mini_obb.pak
then, I cut the file by
cut from the first header to before the next header.
but the raw compression data can sometimes be detected by the tools (QUICKBMS) and sometimes there are errors with code
Code: Select all
get ZSIZE asize
comtype zstd
#i don't know how to calculate the zstd so i using the basic method
#which i get it from topic that discuss about compression, decompression, offzip,and packzip.
this is information about pubg pack
magic file : 506e0406("\x06\x04\x6e\x50"
version : 10
the encrypted:
2.offset, zsize, and size
IM sorry,im still new about compression.
But,i already learn about BMS script.