Something about steam

Network protocols, internals and low-level information about games
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Something about steam

Post by dex123 »

Hi, do you know something about steam protocol ?
Game I'm wonding to get server list now: Serious Sam Classics: Revolution
Its always starts with header "VS01"
I found a lack of info about it.
And i dont get it, could i ever decrypt this ?

Code: Select all

0000   dc 85 de 77 d4 d1 f0 7d 68 47 17 48 08 00 45 00  ...w...}hG.H..E.
0010   00 90 04 20 40 00 78 11 d0 07 b9 19 b4 0e c0 a8  ... @.x.........
0020   00 65 69 8a ce 80 00 7c 00 00 56 53 30 31 50 00  .ei....|..VS01P.
0030   06 04 00 cd c6 76 00 02 00 00 7c 01 00 00 7a 04  .....v....|...z.
0040   00 00 01 00 00 00 7c 01 00 00 50 00 00 00 34 2e  ......|...P...4.
0050   ba aa 80 63 19 02 e2 a7 dc aa 3b c8 b5 78 e9 8a  ...c......;..x..
0060   9d 2f 2b b1 b3 de 81 b4 ec af 5e 57 6e 0f dd 96  ./+.......^Wn...
0070   f6 e8 62 b2 4f 8e 4a b3 a5 b1 76 b7 df 68 dc da  ..b.O.J...v..h..
0080   dc 7e 1b 4a 99 38 af 43 9e 67 1e 53 71 2b 35 a0  .~.J.8.C.g.Sq+5.
0090   c4 c9 52 69 c5 c8 77 1c e5 0f 3c 38 89 6b        ..Ri..w...<8.k
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Re: Something about steam

Post by aluigi »

As far as I remember, the servers list is not encrypted.

If you want to decrypt the data exchanged between the Steam service and the Steam servers you have to use NetHook2, some info on this post: